The Ministry of Culture of Spain, the Government of Catalonia, Barcelona Provincial Council, Barcelona Libraries Consortium and the FESABID, together with the IFLA sections on Public Libraries, Metropolitan Libraries, Library Buildings and Equipment, Rare Books and Special Collections (RBSC), and Art Libraries (ARTLIB), are the organisers of the "International Library Conference: Culture, Knowledge and Community" This meeting will take place in Barcelona on 6-9 October 2024. ENSULIB (IFLA’s Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section) and CERLALC (Regional Centre for the Book Promotion in Latin America and the Caribbean) are also collaborating at the event.

All the sections involved will hold their mid-term meetings in Barcelona, after which there will be 2 days of joint professional activities.

Who is the target audience for this event? The standing committees of the IFLA sections involved and library professionals from Spain and abroad. The event will be streamed for those who cannot attend in person.

DATES: 6-9, October 2024

Sunday 6: Meetings of different sections at the García Márquez Library

Monday 7: IFLA Conference CULTURE, KNOWLEDGE AND COMMUNITY: AN INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY CONFERENCE + IFLA/BAKER &TAYLOR Award for the best public library in the world in 2024 + some section meetings + IFLA reception

Tuesday 8: Rare books and special collections symposium and art libraries “CENSORSHIP AND HERITAGE COLLECTIONS” + Workshops + Best practices + IFLA Metropolitan Libraries Short Film Award + Visits to libraries

Wednesday 9: Visits

MAIN VENUE: Paranimf, Diputació de Barcelona, Escola Industrial, Carrer del Comte d’Urgell, 187, Eixample, 08036 Barcelona


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